Top 5 Useful Guitar Gadgets
We’ve put together a list of guitar gadgets that we find most useful. We think that every guitarist needs to either own one or at least try it out once…
Muscle Memory In Relation To Guitar
Muscle Memory has been defined as the ability to reproduce a particular movement without conscious thought, acquired as a result of frequent repetition of that movement. In relation to guitar…
Finding A Compatible Guitarist
Working with a second or a compatible guitarist isn’t just some casual decision that you make on a whim, like choosing to study law, having a vasectomy or signing up…
Changing Strings The Right Way
Knowing myself and a few other guitar players, for some people it’s like having a ritual take place when it comes to changing strings. Especially when the guitar is brand…
How To Choose The Right Musical Instrument For You
One should ask yourself whether your chosen musical instrument and its nature are rightly suited for you. Many musicians and artists overlook this and go through stages of spending years…
Inspiration From The Past For Music Of The Future
There are some things that simply can’t be replaced, bought or even imitated, and music performed and played by musicians who have put in unseen hours, blood sweat and tears…
Creating & Maintaining a YouTube Channel
One of the best things about creating your own YouTube channel is that it’s easy to do. You don’t need a huge budget to promote your project. It’s about embracing…
Songwriting – Food For Thought
Every song is different – different words, different chords and different melodies. If parts of a song sound similar to one another then lawyers step in. But when you think…
Musical Development Through Listening
Many of us turn on the radio and tune in on a daily basis as we drive to work or on our way home without considering how it affects our…
Digital Guitar Tone – Part 2
In the previous article, ‘Digital Guitar Tone – Part 1’ we spoke about how ‘going digital’ has made our lives as guitarists more convenient in many ways. We also spoke…
Digital Guitar Tone – Part 1
The music industry is one of the main industries that are taking full advantage of the latest advances in technology with digital guitar tone. There have been massive amounts of…
SA Guitar And Music Expo 2017
We had an interview with the man behind the annual SA Guitar and Music Expo, Manie Grove and got to ask him a few questions regarding this wonderful event…