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  • Funk

    18 Lessonsin ,
  • Fundamental 1

    49 Lessonsin

    This course is designed to take an absolute beginner guitarist learn the basics of the guitar including basic theory, parts of the guitar, how to tune up, open, power, barre chords and various strumming patterns to get you up and running fast

  • Fundamental 2

    59 Lessonsin

    This course takes you through more sophisticated chords like 7th, Major 7th & Minor 7th. You will also learn basic guitar techniques such as hammer-ons, pull-offs, trills & slides. We will also tease you with some guitar licks to impress your friends.

  • Blues

    10 Lessonsin ,

    Blues is a style of music that was created by African-Americans in the Southern U.S. and often expresses feelings of sadness, grief, and sorrow. A Blues song is often characterised with women, booze and how life has given you the short end of the stick

  • Metal

    20 Lessonsin ,
  • Rock

    50 Lessonsin ,
  • Theory

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