Guitar Effects Pedals: How to Use Pedals
Guitar effects pedals are essential tools for any guitarist looking to expand their sound. These small yet powerful devices connect between your guitar and amplifier, allowing you to modify your…
The Melodic Minor Scale Deconstructed Part 2
In part 1 of deconstructing the Melodic Minor scale we examined the chords around the scale. Here we will discuss the actual modes/scales and their applications. Fasten your seatbelt and…
The Melodic Minor Scale Deconstructed Part 1
The melodic minor scale is known as the jazz minor scale among seasoned musicians, because of the minor major(-Maj7) sound it creates in your solos. Frequently used by jazz musicians,…
10 Benefits To Playing Live Guitar
Playing live guitar can offer numerous benefits that contribute to personal growth, musical development, and overall well-being. Here are our top 10 tips and benefits to playing live guitar and…
5 Top Tips To Mastering The Fretboard
Mastering the fretboard is a lifelong pursuit. From learning the names of each string to being able to play literally any chord or scale or lick anywhere on the fretboard,…
Olight Arkfeld Review | Light Up My Lessons
The Olight Arkfeld was sent to Guitar Excellence to test and review for our guitar lessons. With load-shedding, we wanted to make our lessons go as smoothly as possible without…
Everyday Carry For The Modern Guitar Teacher
Everyday carry or EDC is a very popular term being used currently. YouTube has exploded with this scene. It was a term commonly used by the “prepper” community but has…
The Top 4 Ear Training Tips
Ear training tips are common. But not so commonly practiced. Training your ears isn’t exactly exciting as learning to play the Randy Rhoads Crazy Train solo. Let’s face it, many…
Top 4 Alternative Guitar Tunings
Alternative guitar tunings are very popular amongst major artists. Other than the standard tuning on the guitar, there are many other tunings that we will explore below. As versatile as…
The Top 4 Intentional Practice Routines
Practice routines are an unfortunate necessity and, as guitar players, we all want to improve continually and consistently. However, at some point, it becomes clear that our weekly guitar challenges…
A Guitarists Journey: Enjoying The Milestones
A guitarists journey and even musicians in general share the idea that they are never done. There is always one more piece, another technique, an alternate phrase, better tone, and,…
How Much Music Theory Do You Really Need?
How much music theory do you really need? At some point, all aspiring guitarists (myself included) ask this question. This question is natural as embarking on the journey to elucidate…