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Is your Musical Career Hitting the Right Notes?

Musical Career
Musical Career

What do you believe about following your passion? What do you believe about what you can achieve in your musical career? What do you believe about yourself? The quality of your thoughts determines the success of your life in these areas. Seems pretty simple, right?

If it is so easy to make a success of your dreams, then why are there so many people struggling with self-esteem issues? Why are do so many people abandon their dreams to fit into what society deems a ‘realistic’ job, always at the expense of their own happiness?

In my experience, these actions are a reflection of what we believe about ourselves and what we’re capable of achieving in certain situations. Such beliefs determine whether we take the risk of ever living our lives to the full. For instance, you may believe that it’s unrealistic to want to make it big in the South African music industry. Or perhaps your parents don’t think music is a ‘good’ job choice for you. Maybe you believe you need to find a more ‘practical’ career. Sound familiar? Well, let me share with my story about how my beliefs held me back for six years.

I always knew I wanted to help people and it was my dream to be in a job where I could. So after high school, I studied a degree in psychology and psychometrics. After varsity, I started working at a corporate travel company. During this time, I studied life coaching. But even though I enjoyed my corporate job at first, after three years I knew deep down that this was not my passion. I had become stagnant, living each day on autopilot and simply going through the motions. I knew I wanted to become a life coach and fulfill my dream of helping people, but I always found excuses not to take the big step. Even though I was qualified, and had the desire, I still couldn’t take that step.

So what prevented me from making the move?

We can attribute this mostly to the quality of my thoughts about myself at the time. Thoughts such as, “you aren’t good enough”, “you don’t have what it takes to do this”, or “you are too young”. None of these thoughts were even true, but they made me stay for another three years in a job that made me feel ‘dead’, and blame my situation and everyone else for the frustration in my life. That’s how my life was until I started working on the quality of my belief system through coaching. I became aware that I had many un-resourceful patterns running my thoughts and I realized that I was the only person holding me back.

My point is, become aware of the beliefs you have about yourself and where you want your life to go. Many of these beliefs have probably become unconscious because you’ve held them for so long. Think about where these beliefs came from. Your parents? Your friends? You? It’s important to recognize the origin of these beliefs so that you can take responsibility for what thoughts are working for you now and what are not. Think about whether these beliefs are really true and if they still serve you in making you the best possible version of yourself. They may have had a positive intent at one stage but could now be keeping you jailed in fear. Forsaking your dreams to play it safe does not serve you, or the world.

I challenge you to think about what you need to believe in yourself in order to achieve your goals. I challenge you to ask yourself, do my thoughts and beliefs support my action plan to follow my passion? I challenge you to do whatever it takes to incorporate your dream into your reality.

In the words of Bob DylanA man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.”

To your highest and best,

For a free introductory session contact Jonathan at [email protected]. For more information on what we offer, visit


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Fantastic read. I believe that so many people will relate to your experiences and so many can learn from the leap you’ve taken! I look up to people like you and I’d like to wish you the very best in your future endeavors.
    “Love the life you live, live the life you love” Bobby Marley

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