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Subscription Service

Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) operate as a subscription service consisting of one (1) guitar lesson of thirty (30) minutes at a designated teaching area at your school or online on a set day and time every week during school terms. A suitable online equivalent lesson will be substituted instead of face to face should the school be closed for any reason whatsoever. You may opt for a group lesson or a 1 on 1 individual lesson or to learn via on-demand only. Guitar lessons are not provided on public holidays within South Africa. A school term is defined for schools with three (3) terms per academic school year of four (4) months per term and three (3) months for schools with four (4) terms per academic school year. A term will consist of usually between eight (8) to ten (10) lessons per calendar term. 

There will be no lessons during school holidays. Commencement of extracurricular lessons will resume from the first week of school opening unless otherwise stated by your school. Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) are not responsible for any lessons missed due to any school delaying the start of extra-murals and will not be refunded in any form whatsoever to the pupil or parent. All subscribers to our lessons will have online access to our exclusive online store and on-demand HD lessons with a valid subscription. 

Cancellation of Lessons

Lessons missed or cancelled by pupils for any reason whatsoever will be charged for. You are paying for your time slot not, the actual lesson. Pupils have booked a time on a particular day and as a subscription service are charged for this booked time with a teacher. Pupils are responsible for informing your teacher of any changes to your timetable. Please inform your teacher at least a day before the lesson if the pupil has to miss the lesson. If your teacher needs to cancel a lesson then the lesson will be rescheduled and or a substitute teacher will be made available for that lesson. Special school events need to be communicated to your campus teacher in order to make the necessary shifts in lessons if needed.   


Only online registration via our site is accepted for school lessons. Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) as a company reserves the right to hand over any details to relative authorities as to obtain any outstanding debt due by you the payer to Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd). Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) reserves the right to stop teaching any pupil due to lack of/or payments due. Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) reserve the right to list any bad debts written off to the ITC. Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) reserve the right to collect all debt owing for services and termination periods not fulfilled including but not limited to legal fees from the customer. The termly fee is agreed to with your school and is divided up and includes the holiday month/s. Your recurring bill is on your anniversary sign up date and will be charged every month on the same date.


One (1) full calendar term’s notice is required within the first five (5) calendar days at the start of term. Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) on the behalf of the customer will cancel and send the customers, payer or credit card holder, proof of cancelation once the termination period is fulfilled. Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for overcharged accounts beyond your termination date unless the termination of contract is confirmed in writing by Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) and that your account has been terminated via our online payment gateways. 

School Music Levy

Some school service level agreements have agreed that a music school levy be paid to the school. This is for the value-added extra-mural services in the form of guitar lessons given by the teachers contracted to Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) on school premises. These additional levies will be paid to the school by the pupil and is for the pupils account. The music levy will be added onto your monthly subscription fee. Guitar Excellence CC, GE Online PTY (Ltd), our contractors and, any of our teachers are in no way whatsoever responsible for these music school levy accounts. Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) reserve the right to list any bad debts written off to the ITC for any outstanding music school levies. 


All subscriptions are non-refundable. Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) may from time to time at its discretion provide refunds in exceptional circumstances. Refunds are processed once a month and can take up to thirty (30) days to process. 

Exams & Concerts

All external examinations costings are for payers account and not Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd). This includes and is not limited to exam curriculum books and exam enrollment fees. These exams are done externally with third parties. Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) will help facilitate to the best of our abilities these exams with our pupils and parents. School concerts will be arranged by your school music department and Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) will help facilitate funding and ticketing for these events via our online store. 


All notes, tutorials and examination resources are the property of Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd), unless otherwise stated. They may only be used by the learner to whom they are given. The payer and learner agree not to copy, photocopy, scan, distribute or make any form of replication of such resources, without the express permission of Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd). All songs, music notes and other notes that are given to pupils during lessons are for the sole purpose of learning and is an interpretation of the musical work and is under copyright to Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd).


Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) is not responsible for the success, motivation, commitment and progress of any pupil. Every effort will be made to ensure steady progress is made if the pupil practices according to his or her’s workload. We cannot guarantee results on Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) behalf.

Non - Circumvention

All lessons with Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) are confirmed with your teacher directly. The client agrees not to privately approach or solicit the services of instructors introduced to them by Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) regarding the provision of tuition of any kind whatsoever. In addition, the client agrees not to request or receive tuition from any instructor who leaves the service of Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd), for a period of 12 months from the date of termination of such instructor’s tutoring contract with Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd)


Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) is committed to meticulous screening of instructors to ensure that only top quality professional guitar instructors are chosen for its clients. However, Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) cannot be held responsible for the actions and conduct of its instructors. Each guitar instructor has contracted with Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) as an independent contractor, operating with the support and under the guidance and systems of Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd). Therefore, the client hereby indemnifies and holds Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) harmless against any and all claims arising from any act or omission by the instructor whilst rendering instruction under the auspices of Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd). If a contractor under Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) is prevented from performing duties under your contract by vis major or casus fortuitus then Guitar Excellence CC, GE Online PTY (Ltd) and, our contractors are discharged from liability. This includes acts beyond our control in fulfilling our subscription obligations like government intervention and acts of God under Force Majeure. Should the client become aware of any concern relating to the quality, behavior or actions of an instructor, they hereby agree to contact Guitar Excellence CC and GE Online PTY (Ltd) immediately.

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